Wednesday, February 22, 2012

21 weeks!

Due Date: July 4, 2012
How far along? 21 weeks!
How big is baby? The size of a banana; approx. 10.5 inches & 12.7 oz!
Total weight gain: 15 lbs
Maternity clothes? Do Kyle’s sweatpants count? Then, yes.
Best moment this week: Kyle getting to feel Strambino kick!
Movement: A lot of it!
Food cravings: OJ and oranges
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of mixed German fest food
Ridiculous emotional breakdowns? Not this week…yet.
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Not yet
Symptoms: Still very mild at most
Belly Button in or out? Half & half…yeah, it looks as weird as it sounds.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Making stuff for the nursery!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Strambino is a...


I may have eaten a little too much chocolate before the appointment to get him moving because it was difficult for our doctor to get a good ultrasound picture before he would start wiggling again, but she finally said she could tell little Strambino is "definitely a boy".

This will be new territory for me since I have 2 sisters and have always been referred to as a "Taylor Girl"...even all our dogs are bitches ladies!

Kyle, on the other hand, comes from a boy household and will be able to help me understand the world of
- snips and snails and puppy dog tails -

Thursday, February 9, 2012

19 weeks!

Due Date: July 4, 2012
How far along? 19 weeks
How big is baby? The size of a mango; approx. 6 inches & 8.5oz!
Total weight gain: 12 lbs
Maternity clothes? Maternity leggings are my new best friend.
Best moment this week: Feeling Strambino fluttering around!!!!!!
Movement: YES!
Food cravings: I have taken a liking to the idea of pizza lately, but I think it mainly has to do with being easy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I had to put back a roasted chicken at the commissary because I knew I wouldn’t survive the car ride home with it.
Ridiculous emotional breakdowns? Nothing unwarranted…HSO deserved the earful I gave them.
Labor Signs: Toooo soon
Symptoms: I’m actually feeling “normal” this week which I’m sure will be short lived but I’m enjoying it for now!
Belly Button in or out? Innie
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Depends on who I’m dealing with…but always HAPPY about the pregnancy :)
Looking forward to: Next week! We get to celebrate our 2 year anniversary, I’ll be 20 weeks (half-way) and we should find out Strambino’s gender at our appointment on the 16th!

It's a ???

At our last appointment we were hoping to find out Strambino’s sex with the basic ultrasound we get at each visit. I read eating something sweet can cause the baby to move around more and make it easier to see…between the legs. So, I ate a Snickers before we went in.

Our doctor was running behind and after doing all the healthy pregnancy check-ups (counting 5 fingers and toes, measuring head size, making sure limbs are all there and normal) there wasn’t time to spend determining if Strambino is a boy or girl…

Here are the ultrasound pictures up for interpretation:


I think this is the Femur?

I have NO idea what is going on in this picture...

What do you think?!?