Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I will be trying to play catch-up on all that has happened since my last post so I can be back on track with updating Coen’s progress and growth. I realize this will be difficult as so much time has passed and now that I have a 2 MONTH old, time easily slips away…but bear with me …

(By the way, my water broke the DAY AFTER my last post about the Baby Shower!)

But let me back track for just a second.

Kyle’s parents, Aunt Debbie, Uncle Shine and my dad came to visit us in May. We had some great weather and toured around Wiesbaden, Mainz, Trier, Metz, Schriesheim and Heidelberg in an 8 passenger van.


Lunch in Wiesbaden

Touring Trier, Germany & Metz, France

Dinner in Heidelberg

Strahlenburg Castle in Schriesheim

We also enjoyed a relaxing Rhein River cruise from Bingen to Koblenz…the ride home on the train was not so relaxing as it was the most uncomfortable I felt the entire pregnancy. The last picture sums it up pretty well:

Rhein River Cruise

Warning: Do not attempt to ride a train in your 3rd trimester

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! I'm glad you are back at this again too! I need to be able to keep up!!
